Well, for those of you that don't know, Tate Almon Mosher was born on September 11 at 10:53 pm. He was 7 lbs 8 oz and 20 in long. I will let Tanis fill in all of the details after she and Tate come home from the hospital tomorrow evening. Everything went smoothly and both Tanis and Tate are doing great. He is probably the cutest little boy to be born since Hudson (and that is my completely unbiased opinion.) Thank you to all of our friends and family for all of your love and support. Hudson loves his new brother and as you can see in the pictures, loves to hold Baby Tate. Tanis is doing well and was amazing through the whole process. She is an incredible mom and wife and us three boys are so lucky to have her. Here are a few pictures. More will be coming I am sure.